Partnerships in Action
MAMH and its partners have collaborated on key issues and initiatives affecting individuals with or at risk for mental health conditions. Such initiatives include the following:
Parity and Coverage Preservation: MAMH works with HLA, HCFA, MHLAC and others to press DOI to regulate insurer adherence to the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA), including equitable application of Non Quantitative Treatment Limitations (NQTLs) and coverage of acute and rehabilitative care. Additionally, as a member of the Massachusetts Coalition for Coverage and Care, MAMH leverages its technical expertise and board network to protect the parity law, essential health benefits, and the broader provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention: MAMH works with EOHHS, HPC, and accountable care organizations (ACOs) to advance through policy reports, regulatory action and budget advocacy the integration of behavioral health in primary and specialty care settings, emphasizing universal screening, early intervention, collaborative care, and referral to continued treatment.
Early Intervention and Outpatient Access: MAMH is partnering with DMH and DPH in leveraging alliances with PPAL, NAMI and ABH to advance broad scale replication of the MYCHILD and LAUNCH program models for early childhood mental health and the NIMH Early Psychosis program models for adolescents and young adults. To improve outpatient care access, MAMH will be working with the Mental Health Coalition, disseminating results from the BCBSMA Foundation study, Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHC) survey, and case studies to stakeholder groups and legislative committees addressing insurers’ ghost networks, low reimbursement rates, claw-back provisions, and workforce shortages.
Housing as a Social Determinant of Health: MAMH advocates for affordable housing tied to treatment services to address people boarded – or “stuck” – in emergency rooms, inpatient care, on the streets and in shelters. MAMH is partnering with MHSA, ABH and DHCD to promote expansion of rental housing subsidies targeted to DMH clients, sponsoring legislative events, briefing public administrators across secretariats, and publishing the People Are Waiting 2018 report.
Behavioral Health and Criminal Justice Reform: MAMH worked with DLC, NAMI-MA, and PLS to promote recent reforms at Bridgewater State Hospital, reforms directed by the Governor’s Office, EOHHS, and EOPPS. MAMH, working with ABH and the BCBSMA Foundation, also leveraged its expertise to convene stakeholders and disseminate knowledge, and cosponsored a Policy Forum to educate policymakers about best practices in pretrial justice diversion and community reentry services. The Forum impact was enhanced by report dissemination, media coverage, and policy briefings. MAMH will continue an active role on the Bridgewater State Hospital (BSH) working group, monitoring to protect gains implemented by the Administration, while advocating for transfer of civilly committed patients to DMH in a strategic alliance with DLC and NAMI.
Sound System Solutions: MAMH works in support of the BCBSMA Foundation on several reform initiatives, gathering and analyzing data on program innovations and change strategies to forge consensus and build alliances for reform of behavioral health care in public and private insurance markets.